Monday 10 June 2013

Chapter 1: Hydrogen (part 5)

There was a sound of metallic "clickety-clack" heard across the room near the entrance..the inner thought of "The Doctor" pulses a memory connection to him that link the familiar sound source to a mental image, and the image was the picture of the art of explosion- a flashbang grenade- a standard type of explosive used by removing the pin and thrown into enemy lines to cause stun effects and disorientation. It was followed by a few tosses of standard grenade by a grenade launcher, which could have been counted in their plural form by watching several different trails of smoke coming from the muzzle. A mild tremor shook the room.

"They're here.."    "Must've been the tracking device they put on my labcoat.." and faster than the blink of an eye did that white coat stained with liquid chemicals all over it got thrown underneath the study desk while The Doctor was still holding the soul container of a newborn infant, whose life depends so much on his holding hands.

The next few ones however (both clickety-clacks and tremors) were at a higher magnitude of sound and power, so much so that they might have matched the readings of a 5.3 Richter-scale readings of an earthquake. After all, the room full of surveillance equipments and gadgets was a few levels underground..and judging from the sound, he posits that a few pipes were broken in the process, leaking the liquid nitrogen into the air both in the current room and upstairs.

The Doctor could hear a couple of footsteps approaching, and he immediately closed his eyes. It has been discovered that when a sense is shut, other senses amplifies, and The Doctor has been practicing this technique ever since the discovery of the fact is added to his long list of collective knowledge. Well this is not exactly rocket science, it's a worldwide-well-known fact. Due to his special condition however, The Doctor's hearing multiplied tenfold. Much like how the sonar works to detect schools of fish underwater, or for geographical mapping of the ocean floor (or you know, ultrasound scan of a baby, to match the "childbirth theme" of this chapter) simply by carefully listening to them he could've easily guessed the number of people upstairs- there were a dozen of them. This type of distinguished ability is called "Accute Vulcan Hearing", or AVH for short where a person is able to identify, locate and isolate sound sources even by the slightest of vibration. And to be frank, those guys upstairs didn't really move like ninjas- subtle and silent. They were more like a bunch of rhinoceroses rampaging a field full of landmines...that's how loud and noisy their movements were. Come to think of it, it was no surprise since the bunch of guys upstairs were well equipped with super heavy assault gears, heavy bulletproof defensive helmets and kevlars as well...

As a matter of fact, there were countless instances in The Doctor's life that his unique AVH ability has saved his ass from danger and getting out of tight spots (difficult situations), although some could even be considered funny (or even an intrusion of privacy). 17 years-old, as a curious guy in the boy's locker room getting ready for American football, he could vividly hear the sound of girls gossiping while changing clothes next door. He sheepishly smiled then, and a few other times as well. Later that same day, he avoided a quickball thrown by his team's quarterback just because his ears sensed a sudden change in air pressure behind his helmet or headgear. He escaped the ball's dashing path by just milimeters away. At 20, as he stood in front of Professor a.k.a Sir Londonberg Basher's office, he overheard a discussion between his Linguistics professor with the Head of Language School & Studies, and guess who aced slash scored an A+ in the Advanced Linguistics final paper the following day. Talk about getting "spot questions" first-hand. This particular unique traits of his was what qualifies him to be accepted under CIA's Tactical Intel and Reconnaissance Espionage Division (TIRED) which specializes on infiltration, information gathering, hostage rescues, enemy stalking, spying enemy movements and progress...well you get the gist.

Although the lab has been put under lockdown, the loud screech of metals above him did not seem like a good indicator to be heard...or felt. "This can't be good", he muttered in a soft monologue manner. Assisted by The Doctor, although the odds are against "him", this is the battle of an Infant versus an Infantry. He could feel that the room would be breached anytime now, that his enemy is getting one step closer to get their hands on the most wanted item in the room- Dex. Though pressurized, he didn't panic..probably because he had sworn the life of the baby with his own, in front of the parents no less...or probably because he knew right there and then that panicking will only make things worse. The poor thing was crying uncontrollably after the explosions were within his audible shit, what kind of baby smiles and laughs after hearing loud disturbing noises right? Go figures. The act of crying itself both jeopardize and compromise their location and position respectively.

In attempting to save two lives at once, The Doctor felt the rising pressure to find a quick exit yet he could not shake the feeling that he has to somehow lose his attackers slash pursuers (the image of well-armed, army-suited SWATs bad guys currently running in your mind) first. To beat the odds, as the odds are against him, he decided to go for his last resort- the glowing blue liquid in a vial left by Zylerfon to him. He took off his freakishly small engagement ring, twisted the diamond on it 90 degrees clockwise, and pour the unknown white powder that came out of it into the vial. As he was shaking the container of the liquid blue solution, the lid to the underground level (his current room) was flunked open with C4 explosives with time-controlled detonation. Black smoke quickly filled the room and the dense nitrogen vapor from upstairs ran down the stairs like a waterfall of white apparition, where it finally merges with the underground layers of nitro-vapors.
(short note: Just FYI, nitrogen changes states from liquid to gas at room temperature)

This exact moment was when Lady Luck witnessed every single turn of events of what occurred that day, through a mirage of images like a hologram or any 3D holographic display known to humans, right in front of her. Actually, she has been watching the flow for quite some time now, ever since Zy was admitted to the "temporary pregnancy ward" which was actually a bed/table for human chemical trials and experimentations in The Doctor's underground lab. Simultaneously with the security breach, Lady Luck then proceeded to ask her co-conspirator for professional advice.

"O' Lady o' Fate, what shall I do? Thou think I should help him, don't thee? Or shall I not?"
"The decision shall be made regardless, and it is thy decision and thy decision alone Lady o' Luck, that shall determine his destiny, for Fate could never barge in before Luck runs out..."

...and no truer nor wiser words were spoken by Fate that day. With Fate's blessings, coupled with her own intense curiosity, Luck wrote an ancient seal on the air with her bare fingers (and surprisingly, magical writings and enchantments appeared!). She worked her magics through the portal which later materialized in the reality that she's currently watching. Even Luck could not have predicted the outcome of the underground lab incident in 1990.

Concerned of the ugly outcome, and knowing he was gonna need every single ounce of his strength to get this job done, The Doctor put Dexter underneath the table. "At least he's gonna be safe here, even for a little while"....

It is said that desperate times require desperate measures. The Doctor ingested exactly three drops of the blue liquid and yet again, he closed his eyes. The men dressed in bulletproof black vests runs closer, and closer by the second. Exactly 3 seconds later, The Doctor opened his eyes wide. By this time, he has gained extra sensory perception (ESP), and has finished analyzing the surrounding and environment of the room. The men in black approaches. As Luck would have it (literally), they were all running in front of and/or near the pipes of the liquid nitrogen tank. Lady Luck smiled for her successful alteration of dimension distortion. The sight of the tank and pipes caught the attention of his, The Doctor's eyes suddenly shine, metaphorically. It was the moment to strike.

"Let's get this over with!"