Tuesday 26 March 2013

Chapter 1: Hydrogen (part 4)

Now, there're 3 main problems - inconsistencies and ambiguities that riddle the parameters of his birth. The first was that he was born in 1990, a year in which communication technology is at its peak of advancement but still, cellphones that could fit in your palms are yet to be invented...I know cause I was part of the Research & Development Team of Radio Technology for CIA back in 1999. Well, maybe there were a few at that time, but not the kind of phones you could type a text message with as what Capt. Zylerfon did. Plus it has got satellite radar and built-in sensors. You can easily gain access to this type of technology nowadays, i mean, iPhone5 equipped with GPS and stable internet connection can easily do the trick...but again, not in 1990s.  
Where, or rather, HOW did she get herself one of those fancy mobile?

Second of all, the secluded location of his mother's conception and the fate of little Dex after his parents' departure. Is there even a reason as to why his birth needs to be enveloped in secrecy and shrouded in mystery? It's not like his mother is an alien lifeform whose mothership crashed in Roswell or Area 51 and was saved by a handsome lad named Zack right? Where on earth did he inhale his first gaseous mixture of earth's atmosphere? (or breath in simple terms). What happened to him afterwards?

And the third and final question, how can a mother possibly regained her physical strength just minutes after expelling an infant from the birth canal? From what I've heard, (also, from personal experience of watching a disturbing video of C-section childbirth from my childhood for a supposedly motivational camp), not only that the process is excruciating to a mother, she also needs to rest for at least one and a half day before she could speak properly and regain full consciousness and control of her body.

1.5 days. That's like, 36 hours duration post-conception. Consider this statistic: there is a 1/50 chance that a mother might not make it alive out of childbirth due to the insurmountable amount of pain. In medical terms, pain can be measured in quantitative manner called units of Del. A Human body can bear only up to 45 del (units) of pain. Yet at time of giving birth, a mother feels up to 57 Del (units) of pain. To female fellow lifeforms out there who are reading this, I just hope that you won't adopt half a dozen children just because you wanna have kids but can not bear the pain of giving birth. That is the exact symptom and description of AJD (Angelina Jolie Disorder).

Now back to the story. These are among the major gaps in between plots of a story that needs filling or otherwise, the story's geometric progression will be full of loopholes. And believe me when I say this: you're not gonna like the answers.

To answer the first question, I'm afraid we must ask ourselves, who Zack and Zy really were? Common pedestrian and bypasser? Hardly. As hinted by their verbal and emotional response to leaving Dexter without even a subtle hint of regret, as you might've guessed - they were both in CIA. I guess some things are hereditary huh..even things that are not usually associated with nature, like, the type of organization you'd be involved with. Some traits however, such as IQ, muscle potential and physical capacity, sensory alertness, and high rate of information processing were passed down to Dexter by Zack & Zy as stated in Mendel's first, second and third Law of Genetics. That was what made him the perfect specimen to continue his parents' legacy. Normal and lame is not in his DNA.

Now, to solve the phone puzzle. This puzzle takes us back to 1989, where 5 of the most valuable agents of a not-so-secret organization were given Sony-Ericsson Xperia 89- a prototype of the next generation mobile phone. It was a product of a top-secret joint venture between SONY Corporation, a leading force in telecommunication and entertainment from Japan led by Sony Yakamoto and Erik Ericsson Corp, global pioneer of satellite technology. It's not surprising that they made only 5 units of X89 worldwide considering the capabilities and let's face it, threats it possess should it fall to the wrong hands. Terrorist for example, can use it to do recon of security level anywhere in the world and strike where it hurts the most. Which was why in the same day the prototypes were entrusted to the CIA, Mr. Yakamoto himself introduced a special feature of the beta version - he insisted that the recipient of all X89 units should scan their fingerprints on top of the resistive touch screen surface so that only the entrusted holders of each models can use them in the future.and swipe their fingers they did.

Do you still remember the glowing blue liquid in a vial Dex held on to so tightly on the building? I'm afraid that's the answer to the last question. 


  1. Now I believe that Dexter is actually a reflection of the writer? LOL. And btw, how come human being can be so emotionless? I don't get it. And always we can see, whether in the movies or perhaps, this story, agents are usually those who don't really care about emotion. This is quite disturbing for me.

    As for the disorder, the AJD, I think common women suffer from it, it just that, that AJD didn't obviously portrayed.And as weirdly as it felt, I might suffer from AJD too. Dang.

    "Normal and lame is not in his DNA." Ouchhh.
    Normal people do have that portion of DNA.LOL

    Continuity. Please.

    BTW this is so Shamilish. :) *that's a compliment mind you*

  2. One thing at a time :)

    1st Q: Does the author reflects himself in Dex?
    A: Exactly! Very sharp!! Some of his characteristics were given to Dexter but in a hyperbolic exaggerated way. Like for instance, if the author likes chocolate, Dexter lives in a chocolate factory and eat Kit-Kat bars 24-7..get it? In a way, Dexter is a version of himself that he has always dreamt to be.

    2nd Q: How can a human be so inhumane?
    A: Plenty of reasons and ways:
    a) If he/she has experienced a tragedy that scarred him or her emotionally, after being traumatized by the incident they usually stop caring about others and start being self-centered. It's an emotional defense mechanism. This is usually how supervillains in movies are born: Joker, Bane, Magneto, Green Goblin...you name them.
    b) When he/she received professional training to control their emotion and not to display actual feelings to the public. Actors and actresses who went for acting classes for example, learn the fundamentals of faking secondary emotions as primary emotions. Secret agents not excluded.
    c) When they're fused with ROBOTS! like T900, the Terminator with infiltration module that was actually made from human flesh stuffed with robot brain and exoskeleton body.
    d) For a greater cause/reason...for example, if you were given the choice to save your beloved pet (say, a rabbit maybe?) from being eaten by a Rottweiler or a Bulldog, but you have to kill the dog, would you do it? (Classic example of Heinz Moral Dilemma)
    which begs another question, which of these was/were the real reason Zy & Zack left Dex alone? Was it just one single reason or probably a combination of all four? It's for you the readers, to decide. And if it's disturbing for you, that is sign enough that you're human capable of empathy :)

    3rd Q: Does AJD affect all women?
    A: NO. Big capital letter bold Italic underlined N-O. To clarify, Brangelina (Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie) adopted random kids from all over the world to be their own..I only remember Maddox,Pax and Zahara coz I've forgotten the rest..weak memory. Those who feel like they want to bear their own child does not have AJD, whereas those who want adopted child are considered AJD-positive. It's a new disorder I created (not even a recognized medical disorder :P) And i seriously doubt u wanna go to adoption center instead of giving birth to your very own flesh and blood biological child :P

    p/s: "Normal is not in his DNA" is because everything about Dex is extra-terrestrial. His abilities, knowledge, interests, life journey are all extraordinary...which was why the author aspire to be just as good, if not better than him in real life :)

    hope this is illuminating for you :)
