Saturday 4 April 2015

Chapter 1: Hydrogen (part 6)

Everything seems much clearer to him now. Crystal. He did not even flinch to make his next move, which was when he grabbed a flashlight fully loaded with double-A batteries near the table he was standing next to, and hurl said object (more like accurately, pin-point style, throw with excessive throwing force) towards the first animate figure approaching him. The impact brought one figure down, by the power of collision and gravity. The first man down kinda put a halt on the movements of the rest of the crew in black army suits. At this point, The Doctor reached the inner pocket of his shirt where a hidden holster was meant to be placed. He took out the well-crafted revolver that his ancestors had passed down through generations, twisted the barrel in a manner of decisive rotation, closely aimed the nozzle in a trajectory that is sure to hit a somewhat loose nut and bolt of the lightly visible nitrogen tank. And BOOM! The eccentric trigger was pulled. There were two explosions, one dominates the other rampantly. As the tank exploded near the bunch of scoundrels and rapscallions that meant absolute harm to both The Doctor and the baby, they were instantly frozen by the quick and unforgiving endothermic chemical reactions between liquid nitrogen and their seemingly fragile body, despite the fact that they’re covered by layers of protection that ironically froze as well. No exception was given by Lady Fate and Lady Luck. The baby, should he be consciously paying attention, would have sworn that he saw an evillish grin formed on The Doctor’s face for not more than a millisecond there. A rare combination of events indeed….

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