Wednesday 31 August 2011

Blogosphere...come to daddy ;)

In the attempt to start improving my writing (not to say I suck at writing, but not that great either), I've finally decided to start Magnetic. Actually, a friend of mine kinda urged / forced / encouraged me to start a blog since a few months ago...haha.the credit goes to her as well I guess. Now that I have the time and opportunity, I summon Magnetic out of thin air! *POOF!*

Getting straight to the point...why MAGNETIC? what's with the name? Let's open our Physics 101 textbook.. By definition, the name itself means the power to attract and know, the north-north and north-south thingy (magnetic poles). I want my piece of writing to be attractive (has a high sense of appeal to the readers) but in the same time possess a strong repulsion force which can make people think, ponder and decide. Magnetic force is also a type force that can move an object(s) without direct contact/ that sense, I hope my writing will be able to touch people's minds and hearts from far...and to move them will be a greater other words, influential. Finally, from magnetic field's flux cutting & some coils, you'll be able to generate a new type of energy-electricity. Likewise, it is in my highest hope that my writing will generate ideas-be it to myself or others-that those ideas will be useful someday in the future. Additional info-I like techno and gadgets and stuffs, and the name really suit my interest.

With that, by the power vested in me, in the name of God the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, I'm officiating the launch of my new blog! Wooohoo!!! A thousand miles journey begins with a single step, and this marks the beginning of more out-of-the-ordinary entries! ;)

p/s: I'm also running out of diary pages to write on (it's full already), which was why starting a blog seems to be a very attractive option right now...