Thursday 1 September 2011

3rd Raya 'Aidilfitri - The API & BMI Index

Do you know that according to a report from MMD (Malaysian Meteorological Department or Jabatan Meteorologi), the API also known as Air Pollution Index of rural / village areas have increased dramatically from 1.6 to 5.8 over the past few days? They compared the API for big cities in Malaysia like Kuala Lumpur with low-developed area (like in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan) and they found out that the village area have been producing triple the amount greenhouse gasses they usually produce across the country. The big question is, WHY?

Well, to me, it's not a mystery at all. As a world-renowned  detective, I've solved the case and I have identified several major causes..haha. In one of my science classes (also from the movie '21'), my teacher kept reminding us in every experiment, "always account for variable change". That means, we have to consider all factors and variables before we hypothesize, do observations and make conclusions. The first thing to consider is migration and immigration rate of the general population. A majority of people from the city celebrated Hari Raya at their respective hometowns (grandma's house, relatives house, in-law's house...blah3) Therefore, the population density of people is higher in villages compared to the metropolitan area- causing the village area to be more polluted than ever with more garbage and energy consumption...during Raya time (or other festive season for that matter). Imagine all the traffic jams full of automobiles in the city transported to the village...that's the amount of gasses from cars that we produced.
The next factor is I think the most responsible for the high API index. Just consider all the burnings required/done from making the 'lemang', open burning by common villagers behind their residence (they still think it's not wrong to do that) like what my uncles did at Kuala Pilah, the burning which occurs underneath the big skillet (kuali/kawah) for making 'dodols' and 'wajiks' & 'rendangs'-both rendang ayam & rendang daging (traditional Malay cuisine) which most of them use coals/charcoals...don't you think all that leads to massive emission of CO2 & other hazardous gasses? I do. Not to mention, all those BANG!! & BOOM!! from the infinite supply of firecrackers & fireworks like what me & my cousins play on the night of 1st Syawal..*sound effect-Firework by Katy Perry* 
Even when I want to sleep late at night in my village, I feel like I'm in one of the war zone in Afghanistan or conflict region in Bosnia Herzegovina (do i spell that right? i hope so...reference: Social Studies class) with non stop explosive action surrounding our village.hahaha.
and that is why ladies and gentlemen, the village recorded one of the highest API of all times. There are times when the pure village is more polluted than the city area. Don't compromise / sacrifice our mother nature just to celebrate Raya in our modern way (I am an environmentalist...what can I say...) With that, I rest my case...thank you...

Hey, why so serious? I was just kidding-lah! ....Actually, all of the textual evidence from the introduction was a was fabricated, the MMD has never released such a report. I made it up just to inform you of my Raya experience in my village, Kampung Parit located at Kuala Pilah...hahaha.sorry! :p

Today is the third Raya, and I'm sitting in my room in front of my Alienware laptop (as if...) wondering about the other index that I want to talk about- the Body Mass Index or BMI. It is a generally accepted fact that those who were fasting during Ramadhan will gain weight when Raya comes...with all the mouth-watering dishes like kuah kacang, rendang + ketupat, lemang (made of coconut milk or santan, mind you) which are high in cholestrol, plus all the Raya cookies-kuih badam, tart nenas, biskut name's extremely impossible for you not to gain weight especially if you visit all your relatives, family and friends house to house. And that is exactly what's happening to me. I've gained like 3kgs in just a few days!! what the about unhealthy diet...pfffft..the worst part is, unlike in IPRM where I can exercise and play tennis or basketball or jogging, I can't do all that here! (reminder to myself: shed some extra weight after this Eat right people...we are what we eat after all.

Well, that pretty much concludes this entry for now...later.adios. 
To all, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin ;)

 happy eid mubarak to everyone!

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