Sunday 11 September 2011

Splashing Water Havoc!

playing beach volley!
today we (Mail, Afiq, Haziq, Bedil and me) went for a 'you could say a recreational trip' to....guess where?? ....Port Dickson!!! yeah sure, it's not as beautiful as langkawi or tioman island with crystal clear water and all, but it's still a beautiful place to hang out. Well, initially, we planned to go to Jearam something, somewhere near Pantai, Seremban...but since we're not very familiar with the place (and none of us knows how to get there), we went for the beach instead. As soon as arriving, we unplanningly (without planning) bought a beach volleyball worth 25 dollars (that's expensive!) some swimming, some water polo actions, beach soccer, photography session, then we're set to go.

beach marathon!

sand / land crocodiles...haha

bieber on the beach

amphibious creature


alia's epic pose
 after that we all went to Haziq's aunts' house for lunch...dude, i'm telling you her aunt's cooking is so damn good, i even had a third plateful of rice. I even gave Ipat (haziq's cousin) a five dollar note as duit raya (also, since we all didn't bring anything beforehand...) then all of us went back...effing tired.

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